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Funding Opportunities at Immigrant Justice Corps (IJC)

The first and only fellowship of its kind, Immigrant Justice Corps (IJC) identifies promising lawyers and advocates passionate about immigration, places them with legal services and community-based organizations where they can make the greatest difference and supports them with training and expert insights as they directly assist immigrants in need.

For immigrants facing the threat of deportation or pursuing lawful status and citizenship, quality legal representation can make all the difference. Founded from direct experience with the systemic failings of our broken and outdated immigration system, Immigrant Justice Corps mobilizes quality counsel to meet the needs of immigrants nationwide.

Unlike criminal and family court proceedings, immigrants facing deportation in immigration court do not have a right to counsel if they cannot afford one. Without counsel, most immigrants face a complex and adversarial system alone. Those with representation are six times more likely to see a successful outcome. IJC’s free counsel has delivered a 93% success rate in completed cases, in contrast to a 16% success rate when an immigrant is without counsel, and a 3% success rate when a detained immigrant is without counsel.