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Funding Opportunities at Solve Education!

Since day one, our vision has been the same: a world where all students can access education and gain confidence in their ability to learn. Our goal is to bring free, engaging educational software to the low-end phones and intermittent internet connectivity that will soon cover the globe. But there’s more…


To actually make our learning technology work, we have to make it appealing and useful for students of all socio-economic backgrounds. So, we have talked to the world’s most successful game developers to get their best practices and inspiration. The result? A game that is so engaging students become addicted to playing—and to learning. We even build in real-life incentives by directly linking success in the game to opportunities on our online employment platform.

The design of our game encourages students to be independent, analytical problem-solvers, so they have the skills required for a world that’s changing faster than we ever thought possible! Following learning journeys personalized and guided by Artificial Intelligence, our educational game app will empower students with skills and confidence to face the challenges of a changing world, and transform their own lives. And to think it all started with a conversation at a conference!

*Solve Education! is part of the prestigious AVPN (Asian Venture Philanthropy Network)INETA (Indonesia Education Technology Association)Fast Forward, and Action Community for Entrepreneurship (ACE).