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Funding Opportunities at Global Health Corps (GHC)

HISTORY GHC-Website_Photo_History Global Health Corps is the creation of a team of six twenty-somethings who met through a summit focused on engaging young people in the future of global health—the 2008 aids2031 Young Leaders Summit hosted by UNAIDS and Google. They came from different backgrounds. Barbara and Jenna had both been inspired by time serving abroad within health organizations in South Africa and Panama. Working at Google, Charlie and Andrew witnessed many talented people in technology who sought to launch new careers in health. Dave and Jonny worked at FACE AIDS, a student campaign to fight AIDS in Africa, and constantly spoke with young people who sought opportunities to serve in health. All of our experiences inspired a shared vision that led to GHC. They believe that investing in leadership will bring real and sustainable progress in the advancement of health equity. Amplifying the power within themselves—and the people they work with around the world—to achieve their mission requires that they hold themselves accountable to a set of core values: Shared integrity: they cultivate and nurture trust in themselves and each other. Inclusive collaboration: they embrace the power of their differences. Sustainable resilience: they are intentional with their time and energy. Continuous learning: they seek and foster experiences that allow them to grow.