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Funding Opportunities at IREDE Foundation

The Irede Foundation was founded in 2012; borne out of the Founder, Crystal Chigbu’s personal experience. Crystal and Zubby Chigbu had their first child who was discovered at birth to have a medical condition called ‘Tibial Hemimelia’. After several consultations, home and abroad, the only way their Daughter, Beulah could walk without being dependent was to have the affected leg amputated and walk with aid of a prosthetic limb. Crystal and Zubby having struggled with the challenges of having to make the difficult decision of amputation, eventually had Beulah amputated at 27months old, shortly after which she got her first prosthetic limb two months post-surgery. After Beulah’s amputation, Crystal started writing about her experiences to motivate other parents to children with limb loss. With time, she began to receive calls from doctors to counsel parents and share her story. She then knew it was time to launch out and incorporate the Foundation which was named ‘Irede’ after her daughter (Irede being her daughter’s middle name), meaning ‘Goodness has come’. She believes that the worst kind of disability is in the mind; and this is the focus of the Foundation’s message, to bring hope, joy, and purposeful living to all children living with limb loss, their families and caregivers.